Breast reduction surgery is an extensive and rather long operation. It is important to provide enough reduction and correct symmetry. Even though the breasts are reduced and shaped as wished, depending on the technique, there is a T or J shaped scarring left on around nipples, down the bottom line of the breast or under breast.
The size of the breast pre operation and the position of the nipple determine the scarring and surgical risks.
Even though it’s rare, there are some risks associated with anesthesia as the surgery is done under general anesthesia.
The age, other health conditions and habits (such as smoking) of the patient increase these risks. Smoking, drinking alcohol, medication of use and known conditions should be shared with the surgeon prior to the operation. You can contact us immediately to get information about breast reduction.
Like every other surgery done under general anesthesia, you are required to avoid foods and drinks for at least 6 hours. The operation is done after routine blood tests, anesthesia examination and certain cautions are taken for patients prone to blood clotting. The operation lasts for around 3 hours.
Usually, there is a T shaped (depending on the technique) scar left starting around nipples and going down until the bottom curve of the breast. The patient is required to spend 1 to 3 nights at the hospital post operation. I personally prefer superior or superomedial pedicle vertical technique.
I prefer shaping the tissues left around breast tissues with liposuction when needed. In some cases when the breasts are too big, the line between nipples and clavicle is too long, the patient has other health conditions or blood circulation problems, I go with the technique called free nipple reduction where the nipple is removed and used as a patch.
Like in every plastic surgery, using the best technique for the conditions of the patient will provide the most favorable results. The patient will have drains located near under arms and wear a special bra post operation. Depending on the condition of the patient, drains may remain for 2-3 days.
The patient is required to restrict her movement for 2 weeks after the surgery. The breasts will improve 2-6 months after the operation.
As in every surgical operation, there are some risks including hematoma, wound infection or stitches opening which can be treated with medical dressing.