Eyebrow Transplant with FUE Method
The face is the most distinct part of the body. The face and facial features is where the first impressions are made. Lips, nose, eyes and supraorbital (around eye) are the main characteristics of the face.
Especially eye and supraorbital is the main focus of attention. So any problem around this area will inevitably affect the person’s self confidence. Especially women are much more sensitive about such situations.
Shortly, any problem in the eyebrows, which is the primary part of supraorbital, will negatively affect one’s quality of life. Therefore, eyebrow transplant is a very important issue.
There is no treatment yet such as replication, re-extraction, medical treatment or medication for falling or defective brows. Therefore, transplantation is the only solution. For whatever reason, transplanting hair follicles to the problematic area is the ultimate solution.
Permanent make-up or cosmetic solutions can never replace eyebrows and be a primary solution.
Eyebrow Transplant : How is it done?
As in hair transplant, the needed amount of grafts of hair follicles are harvested from the donor area (nape) with micromotor under local anesthesia and then transplanted into transplant area as a single hair follicle.
0.6 mm transplantation tips are used during the operation. Harvested follicles must be single. Transplantation is done with FUE method. The area to be transplanted is anesthetized with local anesthetic drugs. Therefore, there is absolutely no pain. Transplantation area and eyebrow line are determined according to the patient’s wishes and the operation is completed in around 2 hour at the latest.
- Benefits of Eyebrow Transplant
- Burn scars
- Wound scars
- Surgery scars
- Suture scars
The only solution to eliminate such problems is eyebrow transplant. In such eyebrow loss cases and scarred areas; follicles are transplanted to the needing area, the scars are completely covered. After the transplantation, the scars are completely invisible.
One of the most important benefits of eyebrow transplant in women is that problems emerging from picking brows such as misaligned brows etc can be completely resolved. In 2 hours, both women and men start a new life, at peace with themselves.
After Eyebrow Transplant
You can shower in 24 hours after the transplant operation. A slight redness and little scabbing occur in the transplant area in 3-4 days after the operation. This is completely normal, there is nothing to worry about it. It will pass spontaneously within 2 days.
One week after the operation, you can completely go back to your normal life. No redness, flaking or scalding should occur; there is no slightest indication of transplantation.
It takes an average of 3 months for transplanted follicles to grow. The process is completed by the end of the 6th month and you can visit your doctor regarding the progress.
As the transplanted follicles are originally hair follicles, it will grow faster than the eyebrows. You will need to trim it maybe once or twice a month. This process lasts no more than 1 year after the transplantation. After 1 year, the transplanted follicles are adapted to the growth rate and grow as the rest of the brows.