Techniques promising a fitter body that do not require surgery provide slimming and a younger silhouette by reducing fat cells in the desired areas. Anyone who complains about excess fat resistant to diet and exercise and loss of elasticity in their bodies can benefit from technologies that affect different energies such as ultrasound and radio frequency.
With the changing of aesthetic surgery techniques is it easier to get the body you dream about. People who want that their wish become true is taking advise of dietitians and other doctors. After many times of dieting and exercising, is it still not possible to succeed in losing weight and get the body shape of your dreams. Because wrong eating habits and non-active lifestyle are risks to get excessive weight. These factors make it difficult to reach your goal, also a genetic body construction that determines your body fat and shape. This proves the importance of plastic-aesthetic surgery in this case.
Vaser Liposuction is one of the most commonly used methods. Liposuction is the method of fat absorption. With this operation, you can get rid of the fat deposits, which you cannot lose with diet and exercise. Liposuction is definitely not a weight loss surgery but a body contour correction surgery.
For this reasons it is a procedure that must be performed by an experienced surgeon in a sterile environment, in a hospital with FDA qualification. Liposuction is solution for patients to contour their body and relieve excess fat, which previously did not succeed in sports and dieting or because of genetic body structure. Excess deposits of fat are aspired by applying vacuum using with special cannulas.
The body contour results are different by male and female. Liposuction is an operation where fat deposits in certain parts of the body are absorbed by a special vacuum or with special injectors from the body. The operation can be done under general anesthesia or sedation. In order to minimize the bleeding and reduce the risks, a solution called “tumescent injection” is given and excess deposits of fat are aspirated by applying the vacuum using special cannulas. Up to 10% of the body weight can be aspirated at a single time. This method called traditional Liposuction.
What I prefer is the Vaser Liposuction, an advanced version of traditional Liposuction. Vaser Liposuction procedure uses ultrasound energy to break up and emulsify fat without damaging the skin. Vaser Liposuction uses ultrasound high frequency vibration to break fat cells apart. It is the most effective minimally invasive method for removing unwanted fat from your body.
To create a defined and sculpted look the procedure is tissue-selective, targeting fat while protecting other tissues from damage. Vaser Liposuction is clinically proven to produce results in treated areas, leaving your skin smooth and your body beautifully contoured. The Vaser cannulas are close to skin, which ensures that accurate work can be done and a muscular body remains.
Vaser Liposuction does not damage the protective layer of the fat, called matrix. After the surgery it becomes one with this muscle layer that accelerates the adaptive phase, which ensures faster recovery. Every patient who has been approved for Liposuction can also choose Vaser Liposuction.
Liposuction is not a good treatment of obesity. Liposuction is not effective, even as a last resort, for people who are unable to lose weight by dieting and exercise. Obese patients almost always regain the weight that is removed by liposuction. Whenever large volume liposuction has been used in an attempt to treat obesity by surgery, there has been a significant increase in the incidence of serious surgical complications. It is not safe to remove huge amounts of fat by liposuction.
It is dangerous to remove more than %10 of fat by liposuction in a single day.
On the other hand, an overweight person whose weight has been stable for many years and has certain problem-areas of fat may be a good candidate for liposuction. Liposuction for an obese patient is reasonable when the goal is to improve a body contour area. It is not reasonable to use liposuction as a surgical technique for weight loss.
The operation is done under general anesthesia in a sterile environment at the hospital. The patient has to stay overnight after surgery at the hospital. After the surgery, the patient wears a corset. You are required to walk leaning forward for one week. The special strips are placed. After the surgery hydration is very important and to walk every two hours. Your sit and lying position is also important.
Smokers are at risk for general anesthesia and surgical complications. It will affect the results of wound and scars healing, we suggest stopping before and after the surgery. The corset must be used for 4-6 weeks and after that you can return to your daily life. Like in every aesthetic surgery you have to wait 6 months for the final result.
If you have a normal lifestyle with healthy eating habits and exercise and watch out for your BMI you will not have any body deformities. The fat cells that are removed do not come back. I compare it with a balloon containing 100 fat cells from which you have 20 removed, 80 fat cells left. The 20 cells has been taken away cannot come back but if you regain your weight the fat cells grow.